“The virtues and vices of a government are not inherent in government but derived from those of its people” - M.K. Gandhi
India - A euphoric nation that tries to sight every small or big success as a sign of its emergence as a global super power, a nation that has been trying to convince itself of being on the path to economic supremacy given all rots that flows within the indian veins (literally).
"Any nation is only as good as its people" and if one was to go by this we as Indians very well know how good our nation is (as we very well know the goodness of our poeple, in a collective sense). We as a nation suffer from a "Deep Character Issue"; lack of basic civic sense, moral sense, sense of collective responsiblity, petty thought process (and the list can go on). These deamons that we breed within, day in and day out, overlooking their assault on our family, society, and above all ourselves has led to birth of the TERRORIST WITHIN.
Well I am not trying to take you on a philosophical roller coaster, all i trying to do is identify the root cause of the problem that plagues our nation (i.e if you consider India as your nation).
After the Mumbai Attacks we demand strong action against terrorism, talk about a resolve to counter terrorism, sign petitions and take pledges to severely punish the Perpetrators; this is exactly where the hipocracy of our indian character lies. If another Kandahar type hostage situation arises tomorrow, we will probably be the first ones to rush to the prime minister & the president of our GREAT NATION to release these so called Perpetrators in exchange for our loved ones taken hostage. You see my point ?? The resolve is not quite a resolve, is it ?? Even after all that we have lost !!
I firmly believe ....Unless we truly become the change we want to see in the society, unless the cleansing starts from within, unless we show a resolve to actually lose everything for the cause we stand by WE CANNOT BEAT THAT TERRORIST WHO IS DETERMINED TO GIVE UP HIS LIFE FOR A CAUSE THAT HE TRUELY BELIEVES IN !!!!!!!!!!
I still dont think you got it !!! Live like a SCUM and you will die like ONE !!!