A Chinese airport executive got executed for taking bribes, this is the second high-profile execution of a chinese official for taking bribes in recent years.
India lacks any such judiciary/ political will to punish, or worse still apprehend, any government official mis-using his/her position for financial gains. A simple ammendment of laws punishing corrupt government officials could send a chill down the spine of every official who considers bribe as a his birth right in India. Setting an example like China has done is absolutely critical to send a message to the majority of the corrupt individuals.
Mr. Minister comes up with fantastic schemes that make tall promises of "inclusive growth" having a "multiplier effect" in the economy, well does he truely believe that the Babus / Beurocrats / Politicians who are reponsible for the implementation of the National Rural Employment Gurantee Scheme (NREGS) and Farmer Debt Releif Schemes (FDRS) will implement these schemes without coffing up enough money to last them a million life times. Cutting to the chase: corruption has always been and will remain a growth nullifier. No scheme/idea/plan is effective if the implementation is shrouded by the darkness of corruption.
I think this brings us to the bigger question; Do we really want stricter laws ? Do we really want to eradicate corruption? If yes, What are we waiting for?
Image of the Painting called 'Execution' by Yu Min Jun