Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ajmal Kasab and Suresh Kalmadi

Time spent on Earth (thus far) - 22 earth years
Age based description - Gullible young boy
Product of - Pakistan
Product Trade Category - Exported
Profession - Fundamentalist (political propaganda term - Terrorist)
Religion - Radical Islam
Specialist in - Waging war
Notable Achievement - Held a city hostage for 3 days
Uniqueness of Achievement - Low (Several known hostage situations)
Current Location - Mumbai Prison (Under Trial)

Time spent on Earth (thus far) - 66 earth years
Age based Description - Tenured old man
Product of - India
Product Trade Category - Indigenous
Profession - Traitor (political propaganda term - Politician)
Religion - Money
Specialist in - Annihilation of national reputation
Notable Achievement - Deceived a nation for 4 years
Uniqueness of Achievement - Extremely Rare (No known individual to deceive a nation for 4 years in a matter of sports and make Millions of dollars in the process)
Current Location - Somewhere in India (Scott Free)

Thanks to a dysfunctional judiciary and 1.2 billion faceless human beings, both these individuals will live to tell their tales.